Repair Windows Registry
Windows Registry in Earlier Versions of Windows
Registry Key and Registry Value
Cause of Registry Key Corruption
Recommended Software to Repair Windows Registry Errors
Stellar Phoenix Registry Manager to Repair Windows Registry Errors
Manual Methods to Repair Windows Registry Errors
To edit the registry, click on the ‘Run’ option in the ‘Start’ menu. Write ‘regedit’ and click OK. This will start the editor. Right-click on the names under the Name column, and choose to rename, modify, or delete the key-value. Right click on the left pane to create new keys in the opened key hierarchy.
Repair Windows Registry
Who ever, be it the software, hardware, the users, or who uses the resources of the system will have to register itself and all its settings with the operating system. Every operating system has a method to store this registration information in it. MS Windows operating system stores the information in form of registry files. These files can be multiple in numbers, differing in the information being stored in them. Window registry files contains information about installed software, existing hardware, new hardware added security settings, default Windows settings, information about users, user personal settings, ports used, etc. The registry files, the information stored, the way they are accessed and read has changed with the evolution of operating system from Windows 3.1 to windows 7.
Windows 3.1 had registry files just to store configuration settings of the COM based application programs. The information was stored in the form of .INI files. Window 98 removed many of the .INI files and introduced User.dat and System.dat. The Millennium edition of windows- Windows ME, added one more registry file – Classes.dat. Windows NT and operating systems based on it, like Windows 2000, Windows XP, etc. store the registry information in files NTUSER.DAT, USRCLASS.DAT, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM. These files are organized into a centralized hierarchical database called ‘Windows Registry’. It is called database because some of the features of database, like atomicity is followed by it.
A registry entry is combination of ‘Key’ and ‘Value’. Keys are same like folders in Windows. They can have sub-keys, and their reference is like the path in the windows. For example, if Stellar Phoenix Deleted E-mail Recovery software is installed, then the key can be like HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stellar Information System Ltd.\Stellar Phoenix Deleted E-mail Recovery. The ‘Values’ stored in the key has two parts- ‘Name’ and ‘Data’. Name can contain backslashes but it should be avoided. Each value stored in the key has a data type. There are six root keys, that can have sub keys and these sub keys can have as many sub keys as per needed.
The value stored in the keys is divided in two parts, ‘Name’ and ‘Data’. The Name can contain ‘’ character, and Data should confer with the allowed data types. The data types of the values stored in the key can be any of the following.
The information in the registry files is needed by the computer from the time it boots, until it is turned off. If the registry files are corrupted then user can face various problems while operating the computer. Various reasons for registry damage can be improper shutting down, power fluctuation, or install/uninstall of an application.
All these situations can cause improper functioning of the computer system. To cope up with this situation there are many methods which can be done manually, or with help of tools.
Many companies have launched registry managers in the market that can repair and fix errors in Windows registry in no time. Most recommended option is the Stellar Phoenix Registry Manager.
This application developed by Stellar Information System Ltd. is a bundled offer .Option to secure erase hard disk and files and repair Windows registry errors is one of the many functions included in it. The software fixes all the invalid entries in the Windows registry. Stellar Phoenix Registry Manager not only repairs registry entries but also secure erase files and folders.
Secure erase option permanently deletes the files and folders very easily using powerful algorithms so that they are unrecoverable by any means. It has more than 10 algorithms, having up to 35 passes, to erase data. This software can also delete data permanently remembered by the web browsers, installed applications, and other left over traces in the computer. Stellar Phoenix Registry Manager not only erase and fix the registry entries but can also take its backup and restore the backup when needed. Moreover, an application schedule can be set so that operation can be performed at a preset time.
Stellar Phoenix Registry Manager is recommended software to repair Windows registry errors. For more information, visit
Manual procedures include editing the registry information and taking backup of the registry.
Along with all these windows options there are many third party registry applications available for editing, storing, restoring, repairing, and cleaning. In spite of some added complexities like these, the database-like feature of windows registry has standardized the registry data. The data is more typed, atomic, categorized, and easily backed up. Also, the registry is accessible from a remote position due to this centralized structure. In spite of all these, installation, un-installation, and repair of registry had become complicated.
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